For new users

  • Can I try Co:tunity?

    Yes, you can register an account on and try it for yourself without cost, But remember, that gives you limited access as a regular user. If you want the full experience and possibilities get in touch with us for a demo.

  • Do you have a mobile app?

    We can provide mobile apps for clients as an add-on, but typically you do not need it. The web version of Co:tunity is responsive and works on computers, mobile phones, and tablets,

  • Can I get expert assistance in my work with Co:tunity?

    Yes! We're happy to help you. Kairos Future offers various kinds of relevant expertise ranging from workshop facilitation pre-packaged trends handpicked for your work with trend spotting,

For project owners and administrators

  • What about GDPR?

    Co:tunity is fully compliant with the GDPR regulations and assessed by third party reviewers.

  • Do you have EU hosting?

    Yes, we can offer EU hosting on request. Unlike many of our competitors this actually means hosting on servers owned by European companies, so your data is not at risk as a result of the US CLOUD Act.

  • Can I connect Cotunity with Teams

    Yes, we have templates for Microsoft's solution Power Automate (formerly called Flow) that you can use for notifications and weekly updates in Teams.

Free 14 days trial!

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Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!

Book a Demo

Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!

Become a Partner

Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Leave your contact details if you are interested in becoming a Cotunity partner.