Kairos Future and the Co:tunity team welcome ISPIM participants to an exciting afternoon visit on June 20th with presentations and discussions on the challenges and possibilities of today’s and tomorrow’s global innovation landscape. The afternoon focuses on the skills that will be needed to understand and cope with this new landscape in terms of:
PLAYERS (drawing on Kairos Future''s extensive knowledge of China''s innovation landscape)
PROCESSES (such as open innovation in global organizations)
and TOOLS (such as AI and AR/VR).
After the presentations and discussions all guests are welcome to try AR/VR equipment, take a look at Kairos Future’s own patented AI tools, or just enjoy a glass of wine on our terrace together with other innovation professionals and experts. The event is hosted by Kairos Future, an international consulting and research company that assists companies, organizations and leaders to understand and shape their futures.
15.00 Welcome!
15.15 -15.45 Core and Periphery in the Global Innovation Landscape
With Chinese tech giants and their respective spheres coming of age and aggressively expanding overseas, we are increasingly forced to reconsider what is core and what is periphery in the global innovation landscape. What can we learn from this development and what players can be expected to follow after China?
Tomas Larsson, Managing Director Kairos Future China
15.45-16.15 Harnessing the Power of Collaborative Innovation in a global organization
Experiences from planning and implementing a platform for Idea Management across divisions and competence areas at Astra Zeneca.
How do you get more participants onboard, hit the right frequency, secure engagement and benefit from diversity?
Astra Zeneca Innovation team
16.15-16.45 Humane AI – how can we use AI as a positive force that augments rather than replaces humans?
Presentation by Helena Blackbright, co-founder of the addAI initiative that explores what happens when you add AI to areas such as law, medicine, economics, and transportation. Also, case presentations from the Kairos Future AI Lab by Tomas Larsson.
Helena Blackbright, Project Manager Automation Region and Phd Candidate Mälardalen University
16.45 – 17.00 Summary
17.00 – Terrace mingle with opportunity to try AR/VR and AI tools
All guests are welcome to try AR/VR equipment, take a look at Kairos Future’s own patented AI tools, or just enjoy a glass of wine on our terrace together with other innovation professionals and experts
Location: Kairos Future’s offices in central Stockholm (next to railway station and airport bus station).
Västra Järnvägsgatan 3, 11th floor, Tel: +46 8 - 545 225 00
www.kairosfuture.com www.cotunity.com
Kairos Future is an international consulting and research company that assists companies, organizations and leaders to understand and shape their futures. We work as consultants for strategic futures, providing our clients with trend analysis and scenario planning, strategy and innovation, strategic change and capability development. Kairos Future was founded in 1993, has its head office in Stockholm, offices in Gothenburg, Malmö, Shanghai and Barcelona and representatives and partners around the globe.
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Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!
Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!
Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Leave your contact details if you are interested in becoming a Cotunity partner.