"Our day-to-day work at AFA Insurance is all about creating better conditions for people in their working lives. To administer good insurance cover and manage the knowledge from our collectively agreed insurances and our assets with a long-term perspective, we need to work preventively to identify and promote a better working environment and better health. 

With Co:tunity we engaged 15 analysts to collaborate and team up with 30 digital agents performing automated media watch. Both parties are set to capture the most important trends and events to impact our business and industry over the next 3-5 years. We utilitize this Man + Machine crowdsourcing approach on a countinuos process where automatic news feeds is sourced on a daily basis and trained analysts can rate and tag incoming spottings on a daily or weekly basis. Each analyst can copy and move posts from one business intelligence area to anther, and comment and add thoughts to both trend spottings and trend analysis. Once a month a more (physical) collaborative meeting is arranged by the group administrators.

Out of the trendspottings gathered we analyse key trends and distribute this in report format for internal knowledge share and newsletter for external communication.

We got involved with Co:tunity at a very early stage and have had the combined benefit (and struggle) of taking part in creative product development processes."

"With Co:tunity we could utilitize a Man + Machine crowdsourced intelligence approach. Automated news watch is sourced on a daily basis and sent to trained analysts for sorting of usability, rating and tagging on a daily or weekly basis. "

Annette Westlander Business Intelligence Manager, AFA

Hard data


0Digital agents

0Trend spottings

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Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!

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Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Gather, share and develop trends and ideas in real time. Get to the future first!

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Cotunity is a crowdsourced trendspotting platform for companies and organizations. Leave your contact details if you are interested in becoming a Cotunity partner.